Под стягом победным (Форестер) - страница 56

The surgeon was scribbling notes hurriedly at the foot of the sheaf of notes regarding Bush's case which Hornblower had brought from Rosas.Лекарь торопливо дописывал что-то на листке, который вручил Хорнблауэру его росасский коллега.
One of the maids came clattering across the courtyard with a steaming tray which she passed in to Hornblower through the open window.Служанка, стуча башмаками, выскочила во двор с дымящимся подносом, который передала Хорнблауэру в открытое окно.
There was a platter of bread and three bowls of a black liquid which Hornblower was later to come to recognize as coffee - what blockaded France had come to call coffee.На подносе был хлеб и три чашки с черной бурдой - позже Хорнблауэр узнал, что такой в блокадной Франции кофе.
It was no pleasanter than the infusion of burnt crusts which Hornblower had sometimes drunk on shipboard during a long cruise without the opportunity of renewing cabin stores, but it was warm and stimulating at that time in the morning.Вкусом она напоминала отвар из сухарей, который Хорнблауэру случалось пить на борту в долгих плаваньях без захода в порт, однако была горячая и бодрила.
"We have no sugar, sir," said the maid apologetically.- Сахара у нас нет, - сказала служанка виновато.
"It doesn't matter," answered Hornblower, sipping thirstily.- Неважно, - отвечал Хорнблауэр, жадно прихлебывая.
"It is a pity the poor wounded officer has to travel," she went on.- Какая жалость, что бедненького раненого офицера увозят, - продолжила девушка.
"These wars are terrible."- Эти войны вообще такие ужасные.
She had a snub nose and a wide mouth and big black eyes - no one could call her attractive, but the sympathy in her voice was grateful to a man who was a prisoner.У нее был курносый носик, большой рот и большие карие глаза - никто бы не назвал ее хорошенькой, но сочувствие в ее голосе растрогало бы любого арестанта.
Brown was propping up Bush's shoulders and holding a bowl to his lips.Браун приподнял Буша за плечи и поднес чашку к его губам.
He took two or three sips and turned his head away.Тот два раза глотнул и отвернулся.
The coach rocked as two men scrambled up on to the box.Карета вздрогнула - кучер и жандарм влезли на козлы.
"Stand away, there!" roared the sergeant.- Эй, отойди! - заорал сержант.
The coach lurched and rolled and wheeled round out of the gates, the horses' hoofs clattering loud on the cobbles, and the last Hornblower saw of the maid was the slight look of consternation on her face as she realized that she had lost the breakfast tray for good.