Всадник без головы (Рид) - страница 215

I have never heard of any punishment awarded, or damages demanded, in such cases. They are regarded as belonging to the "chapter of accidents!"Я никогда не слышал, чтобы виновники несли наказание или возмещали бы материальные убытки,-- на эти происшествия смотрят обычно как на "несчастные случаи".
Though Cassius Calhoun and Maurice Gerald were both comparatively strangers in the settlement-the latter being only seen on occasional visits to the Fort-the affair between them caused something more than the usual interest; and was talked about for the full period of the nine days, the character of the former as a noted bully, and that of the latter as a man of singular habitudes, gave to their duello a certain sort of distinction; and the merits and demerits of the two men were freely discussed for days after the affair had taken place nowhere with more earnestness than upon the spot where they had shed each other's blood-in the bar-room of the hotel.Несмотря на то что Кассий Колхаун, так же как и Морис Джеральд, сравнительно недавно появился в поселке,-- причем Морис только время от времени приезжал в форт,-- их дуэль вызвала необычайный интерес, и о ней говорили в течение целых девяти дней. Неприятный, заносчивый нрав капитана и таинственность, окружавшая мустангера, вероятно, послужили причиной того, что эта дуэль заняла совершенно особое место: об этих двух людях, об их достоинствах и недостатках говорили много дней спустя после их ссоры и горячее всего там, где пролилась их кровь,-- в баре гостиницы.
The conqueror had gained credit and friends. There were few who favoured his adversary; and not a few who were gratified at the result for, short as had been the time since Calhoun's arrival, there was more than one saloon lounger who had felt the smart of his insolence.Победитель завоевал всеобщее уважение и приобрел новых друзей; на стороне его противника были только немногие. Большинство остались довольны исходом дуэли: несмотря на то что Колхаун только недавно переехал в эти края, своей дерзкой наглостью он успел восстановить против себя не одного завсегдатая бара.
For this it was presumed the young Irishman had administered a cure; and there was almost universal satisfaction at the result.Все считали, что молодой ирландец хорошо его проучил, и говорили об этом с одобрением.
How the ex-captain carried his discomfiture no one could tell. He was no longer to be seen swaggering in the saloon of the "Rough and Ready;" though the cause of his absence was well understood. It was not chagrin, but his couch; to which he was confined by wounds, that, if not skilfully treated, might consign him to his coffin. Maurice was in like manner compelled to stay within doors. The injuries he had received, though not so severe as those of his antagonist, were nevertheless of such a character as to make it necessary for him to keep to his chamber-a small, and scantily furnished bedroom in "Old Duffer's" hotel; where, notwithstanding the ?clat derived from his conquest, he was somewhat scurvily treated. In the hour of his triumph, he had fainted from loss of blood.