Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 136

"I have never heard such a hateful clamour! Why do you permit it? In the name of all dissonance, what can it be?"- Я никогда не слышал такого отвратительного звона! Что все это значит?
It was very remarkable into what prominent relief-even as if a dim picture should leap suddenly from its canvas-Clifford's character was thrown, by this apparently trifling annoyance.Эта пустая досада вдруг чрезвычайно рельефно отразила характер Клиффорда - как будто тусклый портрет вдруг соскочил со своего полотна.
The secret was, that an individual of his temper can always be pricked more acutely through his sense of the beautiful and harmonious than through his heart. It is even possible-for similar cases have often happened-that if Clifford, in his foregoing life, had enjoyed the means of cultivating his taste to its utmost perfectibility, that subtle attribute might before this period, have completely eaten out or filed away his affections. Shall we venture to pronounce, therefore, that his long and black calamity may not have had a redeeming drop of mercy at the bottom?Человек с обостренным чувством прекрасного совершенно не выносит нарушения гармонии.
"Dear Clifford, I wish I could keep the sound from your ears," said Hepzibah, patiently, but reddening with a painful suffusion of shame.- Милый Клиффорд, мне жаль, что вы услышали этот звонок, - сказала Г епзиба терпеливо, но покраснев от прилива стыда.
"It is very disagreeable even to me.- Он даже для меня очень неприятен.
But, do you know, Clifford, I have something to tell you?Но, знаете ли, Клиффорд, я хочу кое-что сказать вам.
This ugly noise-pray run, Phoebe, and see who is there!-this naughty little tinkle is nothing but our shop bell!"Этот противный звонок - Фиби, сходи, пожалуйста, посмотри, кто там, - этот противный звонок не что иное, как колокольчик нашей лавочки.
"Shop bell!" repeated Clifford, with a bewildered stare.- Лавочки! - повторил Клиффорд, глядя на нее с недоумением.
"Yes, our shop bell," said Hepzibah, a certain natural dignity, mingled with deep emotion, now asserting itself in her manner.- Да, нашей лавочки, - подтвердила Г епзиба, и какое-то природное достоинство, смешанное с глубоким волнением, отразилось в ее лице.
"For you must know, dearest Clifford, that we are very poor.- Надо вам знать, милый Клиффорд, что мы очень бедны.
And there was no other resource, but either to accept assistance from a hand that I would push aside (and so would you!) were it to offer bread when we were dying for it-no help, save from him, or else to earn our subsistence with my own hands!