Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 84

Почувствовав прикосновение розовых уст зари, Фиби тотчас проснулась и сначала не могла понять, где она.
Nothing, indeed, was absolutely plain to her, except that it was now early morning, and that, whatever might happen next, it was proper, first of all, to get up and say her prayers.Ей было совершенно ясно только то, что наступило утро, а потому надо встать и помолиться.
She was the more inclined to devotion, from the grim aspect of the chamber and its furniture, especially the tall, stiff chairs; one of which stood close by her bedside, and looked as if some old-fashioned personage had been sitting there all night, and had vanished only just in season to escape discovery.Она почувствовала тягу к молитве уже от одного угрюмого вида комнаты и мебели в ней, особенно высоких жестких стульев. Один из них стоял возле самой ее постели и имел такой вид, как будто на нем всю ночь сидел какой-то человек из прошлого века и только что исчез из виду.
When Phoebe was quite dressed, she peeped out of the window, and saw a rose-bush in the garden.Одевшись, Фиби выглянула в окно и увидела в саду розовый кустарник.
Being a very tall one, and of luxurious growth, it had been propped up against the side of the house, and was literally covered with a rare and very beautiful species of white rose.Очень высокий и разросшийся, со стороны дома он был подперт жердями и весь усыпан прекраснейшими белыми розами.
A large portion of them, as the girl afterwards discovered, had blight or mildew at their hearts; but, viewed at a fair distance, the whole rose-bush looked as if it had been brought from Eden that very summer, together with the mold in which it grew. The truth was, nevertheless, that it had been planted by Alice Pyncheon-she was Phoebe's great-great-grand-aunt-in soil which, reckoning only its cultivation as a garden plot, was now unctuous with nearly two hundred years of vegetable decay. Growing as they did, however, out of the old earth, the flowers still sent a fresh and sweet incense up to their Creator, nor could it have been the less pure and acceptable, because Phoebe's young breath mingled with it, as the fragrance floated past the window.Они по большей части, как девушка увидела после, была изъедены червями или увяли от времени, но издали кустарник казался перенесенным сюда прямо из Эдема вместе с почвой, на которой вырос, хотя на самом деле его посадила Элис Пинчон, прапрабабушка Фиби, а земля была старой. Однако же цветы источали изумительно свежий и сладкий аромат.
Hastening down the creaking and carpetless staircase, she found her way into the garden, gathered some of the most perfect of the roses, and brought them to her chamber.