Берилловая диадема (Дойль) - страница 31

- Я не верю, не могу этому верить! - вскричал банкир.
She passed down the stairs, and he, thrilling with horror, ran along and slipped behind the curtain near your door, whence he could see what passed in the hall beneath.Его лицо стало пепельно-серым.
He saw her stealthily open the window, hand out the coronet to someone in the gloom, and then closing it once more hurry back to her room, passing quite close to where he stood hid behind the curtain.- А теперь я расскажу, что произошло в вашем доме вчера ночью.
"As long as she was on the scene he could not take any action without a horrible exposure of the woman whom he loved.Когда ваша племянница убедилась, что вы ушли к себе, она спустилась вниз и, приоткрыв окно над дорожкой, которая ведет в конюшню, сообщила своему возлюбленному о диадеме.
But the instant that she was gone he realised how crushing a misfortune this would be for you, and how all-important it was to set it right.Следы сэра Джорджа ясно отпечатались на снегу под окном.
He rushed down, just as he was, in his bare feet, opened the window, sprang out into the snow, and ran down the lane, where he could see a dark figure in the moonlight.Жажда наживы охватила сэра Джорджа, он буквально подчинил Мэри своей воле.
Sir George Burnwell tried to get away, but Arthur caught him, and there was a struggle between them, your lad tugging at one side of the coronet, and his opponent at the other.Я не сомневаюсь, что Мэри любит вас, но есть категория женщин, у которых любовь к мужчине преодолевает все другие чувства.
In the scuffle, your son struck Sir George and cut him over the eye.Мэри из их числа.
Then something suddenly snapped, and your son, finding that he had the coronet in his hands, rushed back, closed the window, ascended to your room, and had just observed that the coronet had been twisted in the struggle and was endeavouring to straighten it when you appeared upon the scene."Едва она успела договориться с ним о похищении драгоценности, как услышала, что вы спускаетесь по лестнице.
"Is it possible?" gasped the banker.Тогда, быстро закрыв окно, она сказала вам, что к горничной приходил ее зеленщик.
"You then roused his anger by calling him names at a moment when he felt that he had deserved your warmest thanks.И он в самом деле приходил...
He could not explain the true state of affairs without betraying one who certainly deserved little enough consideration at his hands.В ту ночь Артуру не спалось: его тревожили клубные долги.
He took the more chivalrous view, however, and preserved her secret."