Смотри, Штейнбреннер услышит - живо в штрафную угодишь. |
Look-the snow over there has settled! | А снег перед церковью продолжает оседать! |
Now you can see a piece of the fellow's arm." | Руку уже до локтя видно. |
Sauer looked over. | Зауэр взглянул в сторону церкви. |
"If it goes on melting like this by tomorrow he'll be hanging on a cross. | - Если так будет таять, завтра покойник повиснет на каком-нибудь кресте. |
He's in the right place. | Подходящее местечко, выбрал! |
Right over the cemetery." | Как раз над кладбищем. |
"Is that a cemetery there?" | - Разве там кладбище? |
"Of course. | - Конечно. |
Didn't you know? | Или забыл? |
We were here once before. | Мы ведь тут уже были. |
During our last counterattack. | Во время последнего наступления. |
Around the end of October. Weren't you with us then?" "No." "Where were you? Hospital?" "Disciplinary company." Sauer whistled through his teeth. "Disciplinary company! I'll be damned! For what?" Immermann looked at him. "Former Communist," he said. "What? And they let you out? How did it happen?" "A fellow has to have luck. I'm a good mechanic. Apparently they are more useful now here than there." "Maybe. But as a Communist! And here in Russia! They're always sent somewhere else." Sauer suddenly looked at Immermann with suspicion. Immermann grinned derisively. "Take it easy," he said. "I haven't turned spy. And I won't report what you said about the S.S. That's what you meant, wasn't it?" "I? Not a bit of it. Never thought of such a thing!" | В конце октября. |
Sauer reached for his mess kit. | Зауэр схватил свой котелок. |
"There's the field kitchen! | -Вот и кухня! |
Quick- otherwise we'll only get dishwater." | Живей, а то достанутся одни помои! |
The hand grew and grew. | Рука росла и росла. |
It was not as if the snow were melting but as if the hand were slowly stretching up out of the earth-like a pale threat or a paralyzed gesture for help. | Казалось, это уже не снег тает, а она медленно поднимается из земли - как смутная угроза, как окаменевшая мольба о помощи. |
The company commander halted abruptly. | Командир роты остановился. |
"What's that over there?" | - Что это там? |
"Some Panje or other, sir." | - Какой-то мужик, господин лейтенант. |
Rahe looked more intently. | Раз вгляделся. |
He could recognize a piece of the faded cloth of the sleeve. | Он рассмотрел полинявший рукав. |
"That's no Russian," he said. | - Это не русский, - сказал он. |
Sergeant Muecke wriggled his toes in his boots. | Фельдфебель Мюкке пошевелил пальцами ног в сапогах. |
He could not bear the company commander. | Он терпеть не мог ротного командира. |
To be sure, he stood before him with irreproachable rigidity-discipline transcended personal feelings-but privately, to express his contempt, he kept wriggling his toes in his boots. |