But when at last he walked into the room there was in his appearance at least little alteration. | Но когда тот наконец вошел в комнату, Чарли увидел, что внешне он во всяком случае остался почти таким, как был. |
He was now twenty-three and he was still the lanky fellow, though only of average height, that he had always been. | Сейчас, в двадцать три года, он был тощий и так и остался среднего роста. |
He was shabbily dressed in a brown jacket and gray flannel trousers and wore neither hat nor great coat. | Одет убого, в коричневой тужурке и серых фланелевых брюках, без пальто, без шляпы. |
His long face was thinner and paler than ever and his black eyes seemed larger. | Длинное лицо похудело и побледнело, и черные глаза казались еще больше. |
They were never still. | Ни минуты не были они в покое. |
Hard, shining, inquisitive, suspicious, they seemed to indicate the quality of the brain behind. | Холодные, блестящие, пытливые, подозрительные, они словно выражали характер таящегося за ними интеллекта. |
His mouth was large and ironical, and he had small irregular teeth that somewhat reminded you of one of the smaller beasts of prey. | Рот большой, насмешливый и мелкие неровные зубы, напоминающие какого-нибудь мелкого хищного зверька. |
With his pointed chin and prominent cheek-bones he was not good-looking, but his expression was so high-strung, there was in it so strange a disquiet, that you could hardly have passed him in the street without taking notice of him. | Со своим острым подбородком и выдающимися скулами он отнюдь не хорош собой, но лицо такое нервное, такое странно тревожное, что невольно привлечет внимание любого встречного. |
At fleeting moments his face had a sort of tortured beauty, not a beauty of feature but the beauty of a restless, striving spirit. | В иные мгновенья была в нем своего рода мучительная красота, не красота черт, но красота беспокойного, чего-то взыскующего духа. |
A disturbing thing about him was that there was no gaiety in his smile, it was a sardonic grimace, and when he laughed his face was contorted as though he were suffering from an agony of pain. | Тревожное чувство вызывала его улыбка, в ней не было веселья, она походила скорей на язвительную гримасу, а когда он смеялся, лицо страдальчески искажалось, словно от острой боли. |
His voice was high-pitched; it did not seem to be quite under his control, and when he grew excited often rose to shrillness. | Голос был высокий и, казалось, не вполне ему подчинялся, а в минуты волнения нередко становился визгливым. |
Charley, restraining his natural impulse to run to the door and wring his hand with the eager friendliness of his happy nature, received him coolly. |