Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 56

Упражнение 3 c. 11

a) How do you do?

b) Wfelcome to the factory.

c) This is Jim.

d) Please call me Jeremy.

e) I’m pleased to meet you too.

f) Did you have a good journey?

g) Would you like a coffee?

h) May I introduce you to my lawyer? / May I introduce my lawyer to you?

i) Excuse me, are you Simon Hardy?

j) Peter / Susan, this is Susan / Peter, a colleague

from the London office.

Упражнение 4 c. 12

1. c)

2. b) с) Ответ “No” звучит очень невежли

во и даже немного агрессивно.

3. b) ОК - это слишком непринужденно, и

если кто-то вам предлагает обращаться к нему по имени, лучше сделать также.

4. Ь) с) (с - так часто говорят, чтобы не по

вторять без конца “How do you do”)

5. а) официально / b) разговорно

6. а) вопрос требует назвать полное имя в ответ.

7. a) b) (“not at all” - ответ на “thank you”)

8. а) с) Никогда не будем употреблять отрицательную форму!

Упражнение 5 с,13

a) да

b) нет. In Belgium and France particularly, but

not all other countries in Europe.

c) да

d) нет. It has now become fashionable (even “chic”) in England for people who know each other well to kiss each other hello. In Belgium and France the number of kisses can vary from 2 to 4 (and it is very difficult to know which to use!).

e) да Онет

g) нет (not sure)


i) нет. Not at all, you should use their family


j) нет. Remember short answers?!

k) нет. Not immediately, but pretty quickly.

l) да

m) да


о) нет. Sir / Madam is usually used by a shopkeeper or waiter when addressing a customer. In rather old-fashioned terms,

Sir is used as a sign of respect from a younger to an older man. Otherwise, not to be used!

p) Remember the “tag”! The former implies surprise that they’ve met before, in the latter the speaker is almost sure the people have not met before.


г) нет. It’s the opposite!

s) да


u) нет. It means to be very formal.

Глава 2

Упражнение 1 с. 16

how are you

do you remember me

what is the matter

very well, thank you

she sends her regards

I must be off / how are things

it is nice to see you again

how is business / fine, thanks and you

I will give you a ring

I am sorry to hear that

Упражнение 2 c. 16

Dialogue 1: e, c, g, b, d, h, a, f, i Dialogue 2: f, d, i, b, e, h, g, a, c

Упражнение 3 c. 17

Formal: a, e,g,j, k, n Informal: b, c, d, e, f, h, i, j, l, m, о Of course, in a formal situation, you should say that everything is fine!

Упражнение 4 c. 18

Возможные варианты:

a) How do you do?

b) Very well / fine thank you, and you?

c) It’s nice to meet you too.