1 3
Read the text and write 10 names of measuring instruments.
2 3
Looking through the text find and read the passages containing the information:
а) о необходимости количественного измерения в точных науках;
б) о методах, которыми обычно пользуются, чтобы убедиться в правильной работе электрических схем;
в) о случаях применения вольтметра;
г) о необходимости полного понимания устройства, принципа действия и предельно допустимых нагрузок измерительных электроприборов.
3 3 Read the text paying careful attention to the Participles.
4 2
Repeat the words after the teacher. Then read them by yourself paying attention to their Russian equivalents.
numbers and units electron-tube analyzer
watt-hour meter
power-factor meter
frequency meter
efficiency level to consume capacitor to couple
— пределы и единицы измерения
— электронная трубка, осциллограф
— счетчик ватт-часов (электроэнергии)
— измеритель коэффициента мощности (фазомер)
— частотомер
— мост для измерения ёмкости, сопротивления, индуктивности
— величина кпд
— потреблять
— конденсатор
— соединять
5 5
Study the text carefully. Use exercise 4.
6 1
Read the words and point out those of the text:
a) to consume;
b) to detect; c) regulation;
d) supervision; e) capacitor; f) brake;
g) coupling; h) to couple; i) emergency; j) to relieve;
k) certificate; 1) alarm; m) to prevent; n) capacitance; o) counter.
7 5
Read the words, point out those which deal with the topic “Purpose of Electrical Measuring Instruments” and write them out:
a) field
| | | | u) | partial |
| | | m) case | V) | total |
| | g) occasion | n) to measure | w) | essential |
с) | work | h) simple | o) frequency | X) | power |
d) | to use | i) circuit | p) current | У) | important |
е) | number | j) to involve | q) voltage | 4 | to consume |
0 | science | k) properly | r) to exist | a') | accurate |
| | 1) to determine | s) continuity | b') | equipment |
| | | t) item | c') | value |
| | | | d') | arithmetic |
8 2 |
b) unit
Read the word-combinations and point out those of “Noun+Noun” type:
a) physical sciences; b) quantitative measurements; c) standard unit;
d) electron-tube analyzer; e) important items; f) simple arithmetic;
g) watt-hour meter; h) power-factor meter; i) functional design; j) frequency meter; k) capacitance-resistance-inductance bridges; 1) commonly used; m) service work; n) operate properly; o) following methods;
p) efficiency level.
9 1
Read the sentences and point out numbers of those which deal with, the topic “Basic Electrical Measuring Instruments”.
1. In all physical sciences accurate quantitative measurements' are essential. 2. A rheostat is used to change the resistance of circuits, and in this way to vary the value of current; 3. A resistor is used to reduce, the value of current in the circuit, to produce voltage drop and in this way to change the value of the voltage. 4. Ammeters are used to measure the amount of current flowing in a circuit. 5. A voltmeter determines the voltage existing between two points in a circuit. 6. These devices are used to protect the motor from overheating and overloading. 7. In the case of the large motor, it is necessary to insert in the line some device, which will reduce the starting current. This device may be a resistance unit.