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Having succeeded in inducing me to accompany him, he seemed unwilling to hold conversation upon any topic of minor importance, and to all my questions vouchsafed no other reply than "we shall see!"Уговорив меня идти вместе с ним и довольный этим, Легран, видимо, не хотел больше вести никаких разговоров, и на все мои расспросы отвечал односложно: "Увидим! "
We crossed the creek at the head of the island by means of a skiff; and, ascending the high grounds on the shore of the main land, proceeded in a northwesterly direction, through a tract of country excessively wild and desolate, where no trace of a human footstep was to be seen.Дойдя до мыса, мы сели в ялик и переправились на материк. Потом взобрались по высокому берегу и, взяв направление на северо-запад, углубились в дикий, пустынный край, где, казалось, никогда не ступала нога человека.
Legrand led the way with decision; pausing only for an instant, here and there, to consult what appeared to be certain landmarks of his own contrivance upon a former occasion.Легран уверенно вел нас вперед, лишь изредка останавливаясь и сверяясь с ориентирами, которые, видимо, заприметил, посещая эти места до того.
In this manner we journeyed for about two hours, and the sun was just setting when we entered a region infinitely more dreary than any yet seen.Так мы шли часа два, и на закате перед нами открылась угрюмая местность, еще более мрачная, чем все, что мы видели до сих пор.
It was a species of table land, near the summit of an almost inaccessible hill, densely wooded from base to pinnacle, and interspersed with huge crags that appeared to lie loosely upon the soil, and in many cases were prevented from precipitating themselves into the valleys below, merely by the support of the trees against which they reclined.Это был род плато, раскинувшегося у подножья почти неприступного склона и поросшего лесом от низу до самого верха. Склон был усеян громадными валунами, которые, казалось, ие падали вниз в долину лишь потому, что деревья преграждали им путь.
Deep ravines, in various directions, gave an air of still sterner solemnity to the scene.Глубокие расселины пересекали плато во всех направлениях и придавали пейзажу еще большую дикость.
The natural platform to which we had clambered was thickly overgrown with brambles, through which we soon discovered that it would have been impossible to force our way but for the scythe; and Jupiter, by direction of his master, proceeded to clear for us a path to the foot of an enormously tall tulip-tree, which stood, with some eight or ten oaks, upon the level, and far surpassed them all, and all other trees which I had then ever seen, in the beauty of its foliage and form, in the wide spread of its branches, and in the general majesty of its appearance.