Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 65

Without appearing to differ, in any tangible way, from other people's clothes, there was yet a wide and rich gravity about them, that must have been a characteristic of the wearer, since it could not be defined as pertaining either to the cut or material.Его костюм с виду совсем не отличался от костюмов прочих людей, но носил на себе печать какой-то особенной важности, которая происходила, вероятно, от характера самого владельца.
His gold-headed cane, too-a serviceable staff of dark, polished wood-had similar traits, and had it chosen to take a walk by itself, would have been recognized anywhere as a tolerably adequate representative of its master.Его трость с золотым набалдашником - уже подержанный посох из черного полированного дерева - отличалась тем же характером.
This character-which showed itself so strikingly in everything about him, and the effect of which we seek to convey to the reader-went no deeper than his station, habits of life, and external circumstances.Этот характер, проявлявшийся в одежде и манерах этого господина, ясно говорил о его положении в свете, привычках, жизни и внешних обстоятельствах.
One perceived him to be a personage of mark, influence, and authority; and especially, you could feel just as certain that he was opulent as if he had exhibited his bank account, or as if you had seen him touching the twigs of the Pyncheon Elm, and, Midas-like, transmuting them to gold.В нем тотчас видна была особа знатная и сильная; а что он помимо прочего еще и богат - это было так же очевидно для всякого, как если бы он показал банковские билеты или на ваших глазах коснулся ветвей вяза и обратил их в золото.
In his youth he had probably been considered a handsome man; at his present age, his brow was too heavy, his temples too bare, his remaining hair too gray, his eye too cold, his lips too closely compressed, to bear any relation to mere personal beauty. He would have made a good and massive portrait; better now, perhaps, than at any previous period of his life, although his look might grow positively harsh, in the process of being fixed upon the canvas. The artist would have found it desirable to study his face, and prove its capacity for varied expression; to darken it with a frown-to kindle it up with a smile.В молодости своей он, вероятно, был необыкновенно красивым человеком. Теперь же брови его были так густы, волосы так жидки и серы, глаза так холодны, а губы так тесно сжаты, что о красоте говорить не приходилось.
While the elderly gentleman stood looking at the Pyncheon House, both the frown and the smile passed successively over his countenance.