Свидание со смертью (Кристи) - страница 25

Я протестую!
"No, no, this is a great privilege - meeting you like this.- Познакомиться с вами большая честь!
As a matter of fact, there are several very distinguished people here in Jerusalem just at present.Сейчас в Иерусалиме немало выдающихся личностей.
There's yourself and there's Lord Welldon, and Sir Gabriel Steinbaum, the financier. Then there's the veteran English archaeologist, Sir Manders Stone. And there's Lady Westholme who's very prominent in English politics. And there's that famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot."Помимо вас, лорд Уэллдон, сэр Гейбриэл Штейнбаум - финансист, сэр Мэндерс Стоун -ветеран английской археологии, леди Уэстхолм, занимающая видное место в политической жизни Британии, и, наконец, знаменитый бельгийский детектив - Эркюль Пуаро.
"Little Hercule Poirot?- Сам Эркюль Пуаро?
Is he here?" "I read his name in the local paper as having lately arrived. Seems to me all the world and his wife are at the Solomon Hotel. A mighty fine hotel it is, too. And very tastefully decorated." Mr. Jefferson Cope was clearly enjoying himself. Dr. Gerard was a man who could display a lot of charm when he chose. Before long the two men had adjourned to the bar. After a couple of highballs Gerard said: "Tell me, is that a typical American family to whom you were talking?" Jefferson Cope sipped his drink thoughtfully. Then he said: "Why, no, I wouldn't say it was exactly typical." "No? A very devoted family, though." Cope said slowly: "You mean they all seem to revolve round the old lady? That's true enough. She's a very remarkable old lady, you know." "Indeed?" Mr. Cope needed very little encouragement. The gentle invitation was enough.Он тоже здесь?
"I don't mind telling you, Dr. Gerard, I've been having that family a good deal on my mind lately. I've been thinking about them a lot. If I may say so, it would ease my mind to talk to you about the matter.- Должен признаться, доктор Жерар, последнее время я часто думал об этой семье.
If it won't bore you, that is?"Вам не наскучит, если я расскажу вам о них? Это облегчило бы мне душу.
Dr. Gerard disclaimed boredom.Доктор Жерар охотно согласился.
Mr. Jefferson Cope went on slowly, his pleasant clean-shaven face creased with perplexity. "I'll tell you straight away that I'm just a little worried. Mrs. Boynton, you see, is an old friend of mine.- Скажу прямо - они меня беспокоят, - продолжал мистер Коуп, озадаченно нахмурившись. -Понимаете, миссис Бойнтон - мой близкий друг.
That is to say, not the old Mrs. Boynton, the young one. Mrs. Lennox Boynton."