Они вели разведку, пока их не сменили. Однако никого не обнаружили. |
The sewing-machine rattle of the machine guns could be heard. | Артиллерийский огонь усилился. Уже светало. |
The attack was beginning. | Противник пошел в наступление. |
"Here it comes!" Steinbrenner said. | - Началось... - сказал Штейнбреннер. |
"If I were only up there! | - Вот бы сейчас очутиться на передовой! |
In an attack like this lots of replacements are needed. | При таком размахе наступления то и дело приходится пополнять убыль в частях. |
In a couple of days you might be a non-com." | В несколько дней можно стать унтер-офицером. |
"Or squashed flat by a tank." | - Или угодить под танк! |
"Oh, nonsense! | - Эх ты! |
That's what you old goats always think of right away. | И вечно у вас, старичья, мрачные мысли! |
That's not the way to get ahead. | Этак далеко не уедешь. |
Not everybody gets killed." | Не всех же убивают. |
"Certainly not. | - Конечно. |
Otherwise there'd be no war." | Иначе и войны бы не было. |
They crawled into the cellar. Steinbrenner spread out his blanket and arranged himself on his bunk. Graeber looked at him. This twenty-year-old had killed more men than a dozen old soldiers together. Not in battle; behind the front and in concentration camps. He had boasted of it more than once and was proud of having been especially sharp. | Они опять заползли в подвал. |
Graeber lay down and tried to sleep. | Гребер улегся и попытался заснуть. |
He couldn't. | Но не смог. |
He listened to the rumbling on the front. Steinbrenner fell asleep right away. | Он невольно прислушивался к грохоту фронта. |
The day dawned gray and wet. | Наступил день - сырой и серый. |
The front was in uproar. | Фронт бушевал. |
Tanks were in battle. | В бой были введены танки. |
Toward the south the line was already pushed back. | На юге переднюю линию обороны уже отбросили назад. |
Airplanes droned. Transports were rolling across the plain. | Гудели самолеты, по равнине двигались автоколонны. Уходили в тыл раненые. |
The wounded were coming back. | Рота ждала, что ее введут в бой. |
The company was awaiting orders to move into the line. | С минуты на минуту должен был поступить приказ. |
At ten o'clock Graeber was summoned to report to Rahe. | В десять часов Гребера вызвали к Раз. |
The company commander had changed his quarters. | Ротный командир переменил квартиру. |
He now lived in another corner of the stone house which was still standing. | Он жил теперь в другом, уцелевшем углу каменного дома. |
Next to it was the company office. | Рядом помещалась канцелярия. |
Rahe's room was at ground level. | Комната Раз была на первом этаже. |
The furniture consisted of a three-legged chair, a large broken oven on which lay a couple of blankets, a campaign cot and a table. |